BGHRA 2013

Black Germans In Diaspora: Amherst College, August 2013

Dr. Maisha Maureen Eggars

Toxi: Robert A. Stemmle 1952
The third International Black German Conference was held on August 8-11, 2013, at Amherst College in Amherst, Massachusetts. The event theme was Black Germans in Diaspora. The conference featured a keynote address by Maisha Eggers, Professor of Childhood and Diversity Studies at the University of Magdeburg, a screening of the 1952 film “Toxi” with an introduction and Q & A by Professor Angelica Fenner of the University of Toronto, author of “Race Under Reconstruction in German Cinema” (2011), and presentations by guest artists Sharon Dodua Otoo and Sandrine Micossé-Aikins, editors of “The Little Book of Big Visions: How To Be an Artist and Revolutionize the World,” published by the Berlin publishers Edition Assemblage in October 2012.
KEYNOTE: “Dominant Constructions of Black Children in the Two Germanies”
Prof. Dr. Maureen Maisha Eggers, Educator, Gender Studies Scholar, Activist.
Professor for Childhood and Difference (Diversity Studies) at the University for Applied Sciences, Magdeburg-Stendal, since April 2008. Associate at the Centre for Transdisciplinary Gender Studies, Humboldt University Berlin. Dr. Phil. PhD in Education 2005: “Power/Lessness – Racialization and How Children learn Social Inequality and Power Differences”. April 2005 – March 2008: Assistant Professor at the Institute of Education in Gender Studies, Humboldt University Berlin. Activist with Adefra, Black Women in Germany since 1993, Board Member of the same organisation since 2005. Co-Editor of the Volume >>Mythen, Masken und Subjekte: Kritische Weißseinsforschung in Deutschland<<, Münster Unrast Verlag 2005. Research Focus: Childhood Studies, Diversity Studies, Gender in Transcultural Education, Critical Whiteness, Critical Race Theory, Black Women’s Activism. Maisha Eggers is based in Berlin.

Sharon Dodua Otoo

Sandrine Micossé-Aikens
The Black German Heritage & Research Association and the Convention Planning Committee wish to express their profound gratitude for the generosity of the following sponsors:
Amherst College: Office of the President; Dean of the Faculty; Center for Community Engagement; American Studies; Black Studies; English; European Studies; German; History; Law, Jurisprudence and Social Thought; Political Science; Women’s and Gender Studies
Hampshire College: Africana Studies; Childhood, Youth, and Learning; European Studies
Mount Holyoke College: African American and African Studies; German Studies; European Studies
Smith College: German Studies; Women and Gender Studies
University of Massachusetts: Dean of Humanities and Fine Arts; Dean of the Graduate School; Afro-American Studies; DEFA Film Library; German and Scandinavian Studies; History; Languages, Literatures, and Cultures; Modern European Studies; STPEC; Women, Gender, Sexuality Studies
Five College Women’s Studies Research Center
Five Colleges, Inc., Amherst
The Collegium for African American Research (CAAR)
The Max Kade Foundation