BGHRA 2012

Dr. Lemke Muniz de Faria
Building on the success of the inaugural International Black German Conference, the second event was held at Barnard College in New York City on August 10-11, 2012. The theme was “What Is the Black German Experience?”

Olumide Popoola

Philip Koepsell
The conference featured the Max Kade Keynote Address by Yara Colette Lemke Muniz de Faria, screenings of the films “Hope in My Heart: The May Ayim Story” and “Audre Lorde – The Berlin Years 1984-1992,” and readings by Black German poet-performers Olumide Popoola and Philipp Kabo Köpsell.
The keynote speaker , Dr. Yara-Colette Lemke Muniz de Faria, historian, curator and archivist, currently working at the Photographic Collection of the German Historical Museum in Berlin. She is the author of Zwischen Fürsorge und Ausgrenzung. Afrodeutsche “Besatzungskinder” in Nachkriegsdeutschland (Metropol Verlag, 2002), and spoke about “Operation Helping Hands”. African Americans and the Albert-Schweitzer Children’s Home for Mixed-Race Children.
Ein Blick hinter die Kulissen – Zum Film “Toxi. Die Geschichte eines Mulattenkindes”, in: Es began mit einem Kuß. Deutsch-Alliierte Beziehungen nach 1945, Ausstellungskatalog zur gleichnamigen Ausstellung, hrsg. vom AlliiertenMuseum, Jaron Verlag, Berlin 2005, S. 63-68.
Black German “Occupation” Children: Objects of Study in the Continuity of German Race Anthropology, in: Children of World War II. The Hidden Enemy Legacy, hrsg. v. Kjersti Ericsson, Eva Simonsen, Berg Publishers, Oxford 2005, S. 249-265.

“Germany’s Brown Babies Must Be Helped! Will You?” US American Adoptions of Afro-German Children, 1950-1955, in: Black Voices Against Social Exclusion, hrsg. v. Tina Campt, Sonderheft Callalloo, Journal Of African Diaspora Arts And Letters, Texas, 2003.
“This essay explores the debate that arose around the adoption of Black German children by African American parents and the subsequent immigration of these children to the United States. Using a comparative approach, the article probes the underlying internal social and political controversies in postwar Germany and the United States that led to and accompanied these events, concluding that both the plans for and practical implementation of the adoption of these Black German children abroad was an complex and contradictory attempt to solve the ‘problem’ a German-born Black population was seen to pose.”
Zwischen Fürsorge und Ausgrenzung. Afrodeutsche „Besatzungskinder“ in Nachkriegsdeutschland,

Zwischen Fürsorge und Ausgrenzung
Metropol Verlag, Berlin 2002, 250 S.
Zwiespältige Heimat: Auslandsverschickung afrodeutscher “Besatzungskinder” zu Beginn der 1950er Jahre, in: Judenfeindschaft als Paradigma. Studien zur Vorurteilsforschung, hrsg. von Wolfgang Benz und Angelika Königseder, Metropol Verlag, Berlin 2002, S. 238-245.
Lemke Muniz de Faria, Yara-Colette/ Campt, Tina/ Grosse Pascal:”Blacks, Germans, and the Politics of Imperial Imagination, 1920-1960″, in: The Imperialist Imagination. German Colonialsm and Its Legacy, hrsg. v. Friedrichsmeyer, Sara/ Lennox, Sara/ Zantop, Susanne, Michigan University Press, 1998, S. 205-229.

African Studies at Barnard College
We especially wish to express our appreciation to Africana Studies at Barnard College – Columbia University, Goethe Institute-NYC, and the Max Kade Foundation.

Goethe Institut-NYC

Max Kade Foundation